Banks Fishing Schooner and Coastal Freighter.
The rigging of a Grand Banks Fishing Schooner was not dissimilar to that of a
brigantine, allied with an evolving new hull shape which was much finer and more
raked at the ends, with a steeply rising mid-ship section and hard, high
bilges, needed smaller crews and was handier in narrow channels. And it was
fast - faster than anything in Europe at the time, and also better to
windward. It was highly successful during the Revolutionary War, and expanded
in numbers thereafter to carry fully 9/10ths of all American foreign carrying
trade. The Grand Banks fishing schooners of Canada, such as the famous
Bluenose, and the proliferation of masts up to seven on a single hull at its
most extreme are some of the milestones of this famous type of ship which
spread around the world and extended the life of the sailing ship as coastal
carrier well into the age of steam. It should also be noted that many
schooners had center boards, not only reducing a ship’s draft but making her
more maneuverable, in the experience of the men that sailed them, than a
deeper keeled vessel. The largest center board fitted appears to have been on
the Governor Ames, a vessel of 265 foot using a 35 foot center board with a
draft of 14 foot.
Length Overall 42 inches.
$ 45.00
