Frigate circa 1799. Famous ship of Admiral Porter.
Enos Briggs would build fifty ships during his thirty-year career (which
ended in 1818), But ESSEX, the Salem Frigate was his finest.
America was young. While struggling to establish economic and political
stability under the new constitution, the United States faced continued
threats from French naval forces against a new and thriving maritime
industry. To protect these interests, Congress passed several acts to
establish a token naval force; and on June 30, 1798, the act which enabled ESSEX to be built came into being. This act allowed the President to accept vessels of war
from private citizens on the credit of the United States. In response to this
action, 23 citizens of Salem. Massachusetts opened a “Patriotic Subscription”
on July 17, 1798, to build a vessel of war for the United States of America.
On October 25, 1798, a meeting of the sponsors of the first ESSEX was held to
determine the type of vessel to be built. From the Salem Gazette of October
26th, 1798, came the following announcement which read in part: “At a meeting
in this town on Tuesday last, of those gentlemen who have subscribed to build
a ship for the service of the United States, it was voted unanimously to
build a frigate of 32 guns. And to loan the same to the government…”

A month later, the frigate’s
builder, Enoch Briggs, advertised for shipbuilding materials in a ringing
appeal: “Take Notice! Ye sons of freedom! Step forth and give your assistance
in building the Frigate to oppose French insolence and piracy! Let every man
in possession of a white oak tree feel ambitious to be foremost in hurrying
down the timber to Salem… where noble structure is to be fabricated and maintain
your rights upon the seas and make the name of America respected among the
nations of the world! Your longest and largest trees are wanted four trees
are wanted for the keel, which altogether measure 146 feet in length, and hew
16 inches square. Please call on the subscriber, who… will pay ready cash.”
The frigate was launched on September 30, 1799, before a crowd of 12,000
people. The expected war with France did not materialize, but in the War of
1812, the first ESSEX compiled a battle record unequaled by any other
man-of-war, and by the close of 1813, ESSEX was the only vessel of worth to
be operating (all others having been captured, damaged, or sunk).
Plans drafted after original drawings. Length Overall 31 inches.
PRICE: $ 22.50