NatchezVI - Mississippi River side-wheel steamboat, built 1869, Cincinnati, Ohio. Hull dimensions: Length 301’, beam 42’,depth ,9’8”. This is the famous “racer” that sprinted with the Robt. E. Lee in the Summer of 1870 from New Orleans to St. Louis in what became the most famous steamboat race of all time. This magnificent set of plans, researched and drawn by Mr. Bernd Lorenzen to 1/96th scale consists of the following views: Hull lines, outboard profile, bow, stern and section views, main deck, ‘tween deck, boiler (cabin) deck, hurricane (roof) deck and texas & pilothouse plan views. Plans incl. two photos of the boat, a brief history and suggestions for the color scheme. Model size: 42 1/2” long, 14 1/2” high,10 3/4” wide.
For the story of the famous race, try to find a copy of the booklet “ The Great Steamboat Race”, by Roy L. Barkhau,, originally pub. In 1952 by Young & Klein in Cincinnati, reprinted in 1962. Also look for “Fastest on the River The great steamboat race between the Natchez and the Robt. E. Lee,” by Manly Wade Wellman, Pub by Holt, 1957. 1/96 SCALE