Plans by
Harold A. Underhill.
Although Ferdinand Magellan is often credited with being the first man to
circumnavigate the globe, he was killed in the Moluccas in 1521 when his ship
Victoria was only about halfway around the world. His pilot Juan Sebastian de
Elcano took command of the vessel and arrived back at Spain with a crew of only nineteen men after a voyage of three years. De Elcano is thus a
fitting choice of name for a Spanish sail-training vessel, and his
four-masted namesake has served the officers and cadets of the Spanish Navy
in that capacity for almost three-quarters of a century. Whether flying the
flag of a monarchy, Franco's fascist dictatorship, or parliamentary
democracy, Juan Sebastian de Elcano has sailed both as a training vessel and
as a goodwill ambassador for Spain, and always as a vivid reminder that Spain once ruled supreme at sea.
3 sheets: Elevation and deck plans; sail and rigging; lines.
$ 75.00
