Brazilian Training Ship.
Sail and Rigging, Lines, upper deck, boats, details, fittings, etc.
Masts, Rigging, Belaying Pin Diagram. Hull
Length 32.5 in.
launched on December 19th 1933, at the Barrow yard of Vickers-Armstrong in the United Kingdom. She carried a complement of 356 100 midshipmen and cadets.
Her sails covered an area of 25,990 square feet, which together with a 1400
B.H.P diesel engine, gave her an operating radius of 12,000 miles. Between
1959 and 1964 Almirante Saldhanha was retired and rebuilt without masts and sail to
emerge totally remodeled and re-classified as an Oceanographic ship. Now
retired, Almirante Saldanhna is the subject of a restoration project to return
her to a sail ship once more.
1/10 SCALE
PRICE: $ 145.00
