His Majesty's Canadian Ship Sackville - Flower Class Corvette
This drawing is offered on two sheets at 1/48 scale (1/4" = 1'). General arrangement profile, plan and hull lines are included.
History Sackville was built in 1941 in Saint John, New Brunswick, as an early short focsle Corvette. She served with distinction throughout WW2 on North Atlantic convoys, taking part in the sinking of several U-Boats. Converted post-war to a controlled loop layer and later on to a hydrographic vessel, Sackville served in many capacities until she was decommissioned in 1982. At that time, she was taken in hand for re-conversion to corvette configuration and in May 1985 was dedicated as the National Naval Memorial at Halifax Nova Scotia. Sackville is the last Flower class corvette remaining of several hundred built. 51.3” X 8.3” 1/48 SCALE 2-SHEET PLAN VMM-SACKVILLE PRICE: $ 47.50 |